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Leila Masson, Paediatrician, Lactation Consultant

Leila Masson, Paediatrician, Lactation Consultant

I have seen children with asthma improve drastically and quickly with the Buteyko breathing exercises, as taught by Glenn White. The children were able to significantly reduce or even stop their asthma medications within weeks to months. I have also seen children with ADHD calm down and able to focus better on their learning. I have witnessed children with sleep problems starting to sleep well and children with anxiety become calm and relaxed.

I highly recommend Buteyko breathing training to anyone with asthma, sleep apnoea, snoring or anxiety.

Leila Masson, M.D., MPH, FRACP, DTMH, IBCLC
Paediatrician, Lactation Consultant and author of Children's Health A-Z

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Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand  |  Phone +64 9 360 6291  |  Email

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