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Welcome to Buteyko Breathing Clinics - Asthma Control Programme

If you or your child suffer from asthma, we can help

Thousands of people of all ages have learned how to manage their asthma naturally after attending a course at our clinic. Many, including breathing practitioner and clinic owner Glenn White, are now asthma free and no longer require medication to control their symptoms.* 

Twelve published studies have demonstrated effectiveness of the Buteyko breathing method for asthma. The Buteyko Breathing Clinic's programme is endorsed by doctorsGlenn has presented at NZ Respiratory conferences 2002, 2006,  2014 and 2015. 

Take charge of your health today   Book Now

Dr Leila Masson
I have seen children with asthma improve drastically and quickly with the Buteyko breathing exercises, as taught by Glenn White. The children were able to significantly reduce or even stop their asthma medications within weeks to months.

Leila Masson M.D., MPH, FRACP, DTMH, IBCLC

Dr Graeme Kidd
Glenn has helped many of my patients and empowered them to move beyond their asthma. With his Buteyko techniques they have been able to reduce inhaler use significantly. He has been particularly successful with children – they love Glenn's enthusiastic style. I have no hesitation in recommending Glenn and his techniques to patients.

Graeme Kidd MBChB, FRNZCGP

Dr Patrick McHugh
While the mechanism of effect of the Buteyko breathing technique (BBT) may not be accepted, or even thoroughly understood, it offers levels of impact that, if produced by a drug, would be adopted widely.  

Patrick McHugh BMedSc, MB, ChB, DipGUMed, Dip MSM
Co-Author NZ Buteyko study 2003

We can help you control your asthma.

Phone us at the Buteyko Breathing Clinic, Auckland on 09-360 6291 or email  to book a private consultation & breathing assessment, introductory seminar or course. You can also use our online booking system.

* Buteyko Breathing Clinic practitioners work with your doctor to help you achieve the best possible control of your asthma. We advise our clients to consult their doctor before making any changes to prescribed medication or sleep aids.

On this website you will find information about our courses , the science and clinical studies relating to the Buteyko method of breathing retraining. You can also read feedback from medical professionals and our clients.

Click on the headings below to read more

  • Asthma is a serious illness in NZ...
  • Do you miss days off work or school because of your asthma? Does asthma limit your ability to enjoy sporting activities?...
  • Asthmatics are genetically predisposed to the condition...
  • Learn about the different symptoms of asthma and levels of severity...
  • There are a number of recognised variants of asthma...
  • A number of factors can trigger an asthma attack...
  • Some people may go for months without experiencing any symptoms and then get struck down with an asthma attack. Others may feel continually breathless...
  • Conventional and complementary therapy options...
  • Preventer and reliever medications for asthma - how they work and can they ever be discontinued?...
  • Important information on the dangers in overusing reliever medications...
  • There is now a large body of evidence documenting the role of bronchodilators on asthma exacerbations. Countless studies going back to the 1970s have highlighted the danger in over-using asthma medication...
  • Buteyko is a strategy to retrain dysfunctional breathing based on the postulation that asthma results from an abnormal breathing pattern. Asthma is believed to be the body's responses (a defence mechanism) to hyperventilation or in simple terms, over-breathing...
  • A summary of published Buteyko trials
  • A peak flow meter is one way to determine the severity of your asthma. It measures your maximum speed of expiration, or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or PEF). Peak flow readings are higher when your asthma is well managed and airways are relaxed and lower when your asthma is worse and the airways are constricted. Your doctor will determine your optimal peak flow measure and advise you to take action if it drops below a certain threshold...
  • Glenn White was a lifelong asthma sufferer until he retrained his breathing. He is now drug free...
  • Breathing exercises and specifically the Buteyko method are endorsed in the updated 2016 SIGN 153 – British Guideline on the management of asthma.
  • Fact sheet provided by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ outlining what Buteyko is and how it can impact on asthma.
  • Dr Peter Parkinson’s 'Smash Asthma' is essential reading for anyone with asthma, for families of those with asthma and for health professionals working with respiratory disorders. This book will turn your perception of this disorder on its head.
  • A guide with games, exercises and tips to help your child get started on the path to better breathing and health...
A summary of the evidence for stress as a trigger for asthma and a role for breathing retraining in helping reduce stress and the symptoms of asthma
Publications including clinical trials, studies and reviews on the use of breathing training for asthma
Includes a video of Glenn White's presentation to the Respiratory Conference
How Glenn White overcame his own asthma and now helps others do the same
Price R L, Journal of Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2016
Epigenetics in action: In this highly readable article Roger Price explains the science in teaching people how to prevent asthma by not creating the conditions that cause asthma.

Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand  |  Phone +64 9 360 6291  |  Email

Download our leaflets [PDFs]:  Do you suffer from asthma or allergies? »    Do you snore or suffer from sleep apnoea? »

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