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NIH Study: Buteyko breathing technique improvements in asthma symptoms and reductions in reliever medications

A report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, AHRQ, for the United States Institute of Health (NIH) finds Buteyko delivers substantial reductions in symptoms and medication usage for asthmatics.

The AHRQ findings mirror the British Thoracic Society 2008 study that showed Buteyko produced “benefits in terms of reduced symptoms and bronchodilator usage” for people suffering with asthma. The Australian Department of Health and Aging in conjunction with the National Asthma Council of Australia 2005 also opined, after a systematic review of published clinical trials, that Buteyko achieved “a statistically significant and clinically important effect in the treatment of asthma”. Full report: Asthma and complementary therapies – A guide for health professionals

As a Buteyko instructor I have seen thousands benefit from the programme. However, official endorsement and studies are essential. With endorsements like these it is now only a matter of time before Buteyko breathing re-training will be part of ‘accepted medicine’ where it will spread, simply because it works. Bring it on!

A PDF of the NIH study can be downloaded below.

Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

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