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Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) Conference

Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) Conference

Great news! The AIMA conference venue has been upgraded to the brand-new and state-of-the-art conference centre in the Sir Paul Reeves Building at the Auckland University of Technology, 55 Wellesley Street East, Central Auckland.

Conference Dates:  Saturday and Sunday 18th & 19th May. 

Click here for a map

Click here for registration participant information guide [pdf]

This is a truly fabulous site that was only completed in March this year and it provides an extra area so that we are now able to include a cocktail reception at the end of the Saturday programme.  This is INCLUDED FREE with your registration, along with a great selection of food and refreshments during the conference itself.

Conference theme:
Modern Epidemics – The Integrative Management of Cardiovascular & Auto-Immune Disease

There is a great line-up of speakers (click here for programme [pdf]), with an interesting programme of clinically important topics, all in a magnificent venue, so if you have not yet registered, we would love to see you there.

Registration can be done online at So grab a colleague and come along!

I hope to see you there.

Glenn White
Buteyko Breathing Clinics 

Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

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