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Campbell - Asthma, sinus problems, snoring, sleep apnoea, high blood pressure

Campbell - Asthma, sinus problems, snoring, sleep apnoea, high blood pressure

I would take the opportunity to thank you for the significant benefits I have already enjoyed from the Buteyko Course

From my thirties, I am now just into my fifties I have experienced mild asthma, sinus problems and increasing snoring and sleep apnoea [nothing serious but cumulatively they have had an effect on my overall health].  And more recently my doctor had flagged an increase in blood pressure.

Someone recommended your course to me.  After starting the course I quickly realised I had at some point developed a tendency to breathe through my mouth rather than my nose while at the same time breathing short breathes [sometimes gulping air] into the top of my chest rather than slower and more gentle breathing into my diaphragm.  The exercises you gave me, and the switch to nose breathing while I exercised, have over the last few months made a significant difference.  I seldom snore, my blood pressure has dropped a little and hopefully will continue to drop, and I have only needed to use my inhaler on a few occasions.

My recommendation to anyone who has respiratory related problems would be to seek help from a breathing specialist like yourself who can help them recognise a poor breathing pattern and begin a journey of correcting it.  That journey does not require anything drastic like surgery or strong medication but it does require a daily commitment to some simple exercises which if done correctly will cost you nothing more than time and mild discomfort.

Thank you

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