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Austin Wi Repa breathing easy

Austin Wi Repa breathing easy

Austin has a global learning disability. Therefore, I (his mother) am writing this report for him.

Austin was a habitual mouth breather; his breathing was often laboured and heavy. He constantly cleared his throat and showed dryness around his mouth. His breath was noticeable and his nose was often blocked. He also had bad eczema on the hands, face, back of neck and head.

Austin snored heavily, so heavily that he would wake himself up numerous times in the night. He could easily be heard throughout the house even with his door closed. He shares a room with a younger brother who would purposely try to go to bed before him, so that he could be in a deep sleep before Austin began to snore.

Since the breathing course Austin’s brother now reports that he doesn’t hear Austin snoring neither do I when I go past his room or when I have checked through the night and in the morning.

He breathes mostly through his nose now, with an occasional sigh when he forgets. But he is getting better at catching himself.

He has also taken sugar, dairy and white flour/rice/pasta out of his diet, and I’m supposing this has also added to his success. One week after breathing, coupled with diet, his eczema showed great improvement, from redness and open sores, to a light colouring and no open sores.

Austin has definitely experienced a positive and helpful change in his body. I have seen a change in his whole being. His siblings have noticed change in him, and admire him for being able to give up food he loves. Because he has felt the change for himself, I do not have to prompt him to do his breathing exercises anymore. This is his 7th week doing Buteyko breathing exercises.

I highly recommend the Buteyko Breathing Clinic with Glenn White to anyone with breathing disorders. It has literally changed Austin’s life.

Adele Wi Repa (Austin’s mother)

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