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2016 British Guideline on Asthma endorses Buteyko Method

Breathing exercises and specifically the Buteyko method are endorsed in the updated 2016 SIGN 153 – British Guideline on the management of asthma.


Recommendations for breathing exercises are on pages 61-2.  The document can be accessed via the following link.

Glenn’s comments

Breathing exercises (i.e. Buteyko and Papworth) are given the highest A 1++ grading reflecting high quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomised control trials (RCTs) and RCTs with a very low risk of bias. This is not surprising now that there is a substantial body of clinical evidence including 11 published trials of the Buteyko Method for asthma.

Research by Ritz et al has demonstrated that slowing respiratory rate provides significant, sustained, and clinically meaningful improvements in asthma control. Raising PCO2 was associated with greater benefits in aspects of lung function and long-term symptoms.[i] The findings contribute to the body of evidence supporting Konstantin Buteyko’s hypothesis.

Significantly, the Buteyko studies show there is no loss in lung function despite substantial reductions in need for both reliever and preventer medication.

All of this will be no surprise to the many people here in New Zealand and internationally who are now free of asthma symptoms after enrolling in a Buteyko breathing programme.

Phone us on 09-360 6291 if you would like to learn more about our programmes. 

[i] Ritz T, et al Chest. 2014 Nov; 146(5): 1237–1247

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