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Critical Call to Action on the Therapeutic Products Bill Now!

Critical Call to Action on the Therapeutic Products Bill Now!

If you want such health products to remain available to you, please make an objection before 15 Feb, 2023 on the government website. Help keep health in our hands. Objections are EASY AND QUICK TO DO on the government link below.

You can go to this link to make a submission:

It can be as easy as saying:  I object to the Therapeutic Products Bill.

I have included my own submission as an example: 

I object to the Therapeutic Products Bill. I have used health supplements such as vitamin C, D as well as zinc and selenium for over 40 years. At 66 years old I am fit, and in excellent health. I take no pharmaceutical medications, despite having suffered from asthma for over 40 years. I have not needed any asthma medication or antibiotics for over 22 years. I put this down to a healthy diet, physical exercises and a daily regime of the above-mentioned supplements. I do not think any government should be imposing restrictions on our rights to choose. After all, it is not people like me, who use supplements, that are bankrupting our health system. 

It is time your government shifted priorities to more urgent issues facing the country like housing, poverty and a broken health care system and throw out this misplaced Bill.

Want to know more?

If you use homeopathy, herbs or supplements and want to continue to have the freedom of choice for modalities and practitioners and the choice of herbs, supplements and remedies, if you want to be able to support micro and small businesses and individual practitioners, and if you want to know more about the bill and how to make a submission, read this email and make an objection/submission.

More than fifty per cent of kiwis use natural medicines or supplements – we all have skin in the game.

Talk on any platform possible and write to your MP or book appointments with them to explain, ask or inform:

  • Ask where the research is that proves risks and dangers from herbal health products
  • Many natural health providers will not be allowed to practise or dispense herbs any more, e.g. ayurvedic practitioners and the herbs they prescribe will be significantly restricted
  • Will we have to go to our GP to get vitamin C prescribed?
  • Supplements will increase in price and decrease in availability and choice
  • We won’t be able to self-treat
  • Any natural substance that has provable health benefits will be controlled by the appointed regulator, this includes foods that have health benefits
  • Government overreach is now extending to our kitchen, bathroom cabinets, gardens and even the native bush
  • Why, when the medical system is crumbling, are they taking away self-responsibility and home care from kiwis? After all, it is not the users of these supplements and health products who are bankrupting the health system
  • This is direct contravention to the Treaty of Waitangi and is a threat to Rongoa Māori, Rakau Māori, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Western herbal traditional medicine
  • For perspective, properly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe
  • Despite this, many of these pharmaceuticals, for example, some proton pump inhibitors, are being made available without prescription
  • By contrast herbs and supplements have a long and ancient history of use and safety. It is unlikely properly administered natural health supplements or herbal remedies have been directly responsible for any deaths
  • Consider that New Zealand is the only country, outside the US that allows pharmaceutical companies to directly market to the public and consider the influence they must have on government policy and the introduction of this Bill.

This is the third time a NZ Government has attempted to introduce this legislation. Opposition from health practitioners and the public have had the proposed legislation thrown out each time. Let’s all get behind this and do it again. 

Please share this as widely as possible, as many are unare of the Bill's implications. Help people understand that this will affect us all.

Read more here on Gary Moller's post

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2023


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