If you want such health products to remain available to you, please make an objection before 15 Feb, 2023 on the government website. Help keep health in our hands. Objections are EASY AND QUICK TO DO on the government link below.
You can go to this link to make a submission:
It can be as easy as saying: I object to the Therapeutic Products Bill.
I have included my own submission as an example:
I object to the Therapeutic Products Bill. I have used health supplements such as vitamin C, D as well as zinc and selenium for over 40 years. At 66 years old I am fit, and in excellent health. I take no pharmaceutical medications, despite having suffered from asthma for over 40 years. I have not needed any asthma medication or antibiotics for over 22 years. I put this down to a healthy diet, physical exercises and a daily regime of the above-mentioned supplements. I do not think any government should be imposing restrictions on our rights to choose. After all, it is not people like me, who use supplements, that are bankrupting our health system.
It is time your government shifted priorities to more urgent issues facing the country like housing, poverty and a broken health care system and throw out this misplaced Bill.