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Simplified Asthma Inhaler Reduces Attacks

Simplified Asthma Inhaler Reduces Attacks
Simplified Asthma Inhaler Reduces Attacks

This study has previously been reported as a ‘game changer’ but is it just more of the same, while effective, natural, clinically proven drug-reducing interventions are ignored? 

On 24th August, Radio New Zealand reported on a study that claims that using a Symbicort combination asthma inhaler can reduce the chance of an attack by a third. Study co-author Richard Beasley said the results could change asthma treatment world-wide

Symbicort is a potent medication containing a long acting beta agonist (LABA) combined with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Regular use of medications like Symbicort has been linked to increased hospital admissions, especially in children and should be prescribed with caution. This is why these medications were originally only prescribed in severe cases of asthma not responding to ICS alone. Read more about asthma medications

Another unreported aspect of this study is to normalise daily use of a potent asthma medication for mild asthmatics. While this certainly boosts drug company revenue, it could also lead to inadvertent overuse and leave users more vulnerable to asthma exacerbations, especially during respiratory infections or when confronted by situations that might trigger an acute attack. In these situations, rescue inhalers such as Ventolin are often ineffective resulting in rapid deterioration, in many cases requiring hospitalisation.

These kinds of articles increasingly read like pharmaceutical company PR. I question why the journalist did not investigate the risky side effects or explore other developments in the field, instead of jumping 100% on the game-changer bandwagon. These researchers and the media reporting the studies are little more than a mouthpiece for the drug companies. It is irresponsible, especially when the health of children can be affected.

If clinically demonstrated, non-pharmacologic approaches like the Buteyko method were considered alongside existing medication-based management, we might be better placed to reduce the considerable burden of asthma in New Zealand. This would truly be a game changer.

Contact our clinic if you would like to know how you can control your asthma naturally without need for daily asthma medication.
Tel: +64 9 360 6291 | Email: | Online bookings: Click here

We instruct all our clients not to make any changes to their medication without first consulting their GP or specialist.

Posted: Wed 28 Aug 2019


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