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Breathing Courses for Health Professionals

Breathing Courses for Health Professionals

Experience the Buteyko breathing programme for yourself. Learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of dysfunctional breathing and strategies to relieve asthma, allergies, snoring, sleep apnoea, reduce stress, and improve oral health, energy levels, health and fitness.

Buteyko for Health Professionals course

Glenn White of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic is running courses specifically for health professionals who would like to learn techniques to:

  • Relieve snoring, sleep apnoea or insomnia
  • Control asthma naturally
  • Alleviate suffering from allergies, hay fever or blocked nose
  • Learn breathing techniques to de-stress and overcome anxiety/panic attacks
  • Practise correct breathing for Yoga, Pilates, all sports and fitness training

Course Details

The course consists of five 90-minute group sessions and one individual session.

The course gives you the opportunity to undertake a breathing retraining programme as the client. Learn first-hand the benefits of optimal breathing, how it feels and potentially make improvement to your own health and wellbeing. The knowledge gained can also help you identify breathing dysfunction in your clients, teach them strategies to alleviate symptoms and implement the essential first steps towards healthier breathing.

We still have a few places on the next courses as follows:

This week
Thursday, 18 August, 6pm – 7:30pm
Friday, 19 August 6pm  7:30pm
Saturday, 20 August 9am  10:30am

Following week
Thursday, 25 August, 6pm – 7:30pm
Friday, 26 August, 6pm  7:30pm

One month later
Friday, 23 September, 6pm  7:30pm

The Buteyko Breathing Clinic
20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay

The course is offered at the special rate of $500 for the full programme of six sessions.

To reserve a place on this course, or for information about future courses, please phone the
clinic on 09-360 6291or email

Buteyko is a clinically proven technique delivering immediate and sustained relief from breathing-related problems in children and adults

Buteyko Breathing Clinics

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2016


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Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand  |  Phone +64 9 360 6291  |  Email

Download our leaflets [PDFs]:  Do you suffer from asthma or allergies? »    Do you snore or suffer from sleep apnoea? »

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