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What Every Parent Needs To Know About Their Kid’s Respiratory Habits

What Every Parent Needs To Know About Their Kid’s Respiratory Habits

A small and weak-looking jaw, forward head posture, lip incompetency (unable to seal), small, dysfunctional nostrils and under-developed or set-back jaw are just five of many avoidable consequences of long term mouth-breathing.

In addition to the above, habitual mouth-breathing in childhood can contribute to chronic inflammation of adenoids and tonsils, ear infections, frequent respiratory infections, asthma, hay fever and sinusitis. If unchecked, this can lead to ongoing dental, respiratory and sleep disorders. A Buteyko Clinic breathing course can help correct improper breathing patterns and help your child avoid these problems, setting them up for better health with less need for medication.

Huffington Post 26 July 2016 »

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2016


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