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Getting Started

These breathing exercises and guidelines can help relieve symptoms and get you started towards a functional breathing pattern. They do not constitute the full Buteyko breathing re-training programme. If you snore or suffer from sleep apnoea, asthma, chronic nasal congestion, hay fever, frequent respiratory infections, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular problems, or anxiety, we recommend you book an initial consultation or enrol on a Buteyko Clinic breathing retraining programme.

For bookings or more information about our programmes, visit our booking page or contact the clinic on + 64-9-360 6291 or

Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand  |  Phone +64 9 360 6291  |  Email

Download our leaflets [PDFs]:  Do you suffer from asthma or allergies? »    Do you snore or suffer from sleep apnoea? »

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Registered Practitioner / Practitioner Trainer

All cartoons courtesy of Chris Slane, Qantas Media Awards Cartoonist of the Year 2010  ©

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