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Miki on breathing through his nose to prevent exercise-induced asthma

Miki on breathing through his nose to prevent exercise-induced asthma

Miki attended a course at the Buteyko Breathing Clinic in March 2017. At that time he was using his blue puffer (Ventolin) 4-6 times a day despite taking the daily preventer. Miki was able to overcome his asthma and come off his medication after completing a Buteyko breathing training programme. 

His asthma returned on a recent visit to his home country and he came to the clinic on 18 December 2019 for help to get back on track. In this video he explains how he used a simple breathing technique to overcome exercise-induced asthma during the clinic session.

Note: Medication changes are supervised by the client's doctor.

Posted: Fri 20 Dec 2019


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